When art and the artist mix:

Capoeira Angola and the fight for freedom


  • Felipe Araujo Fernandes UFRJ/PPGF




Capoeira Angola. Body. Freedom. Fight, Fight, Freedom, Body, Capoeira Angola


In this work we are interested in presenting capoeira and extracting teachings from this treasure that was forged in years of fighting colonization and imperialism. Being a performatic expression rooted in the most genuinely popular culture, of African origin, in which the work is mixed with the artist himself, and which is fully accomplished as a collective, not individual production, taking a role of social intervention and Education of its agents, with sophisticated philosophical concepts, as well as technical and martial framework, with immense potential in educating the bodies for the struggle she freedom, with strategies and military tactics of self-defense and expansion of humanity and freedom. Having the ritual of the wheel as a "school" to teach how to deal with the conflicts of life, the "big circle", using malandragem, mandinga, ginga de corpo and so many other artifice coined during generations of survival of this martial arts.


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How to Cite

ARAUJO FERNANDES, Felipe. When art and the artist mix: : Capoeira Angola and the fight for freedom. Revista Cientí­fica/FAP, Curitiba, v. 28, n. 1, p. 79–109, 2023. DOI: 10.33871/19805071.2023.28.1.7408. Disponível em: https://periodicos.unespar.edu.br/revistacientifica/article/view/7408. Acesso em: 4 jan. 2025.