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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The Revista Cientí­fica de Artes/FAP, an electronic journal with free access and with no requirement for a submission or publication fee, receives articles of an artistic and scientific nature for two volumes per year [biannual periodicity], with continuous flow or according to the theme established by the guest editors for a given number. The publication aims to disseminate articles, essays, reviews, interviews and translations in two forms:

a) Continuous Flow to receive works located in the areas of Visual Arts, Video Arts, Performing Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music and Theater, in their most varied forms of disciplinary analysis, thus fostering the exchange between researchers of several national and international educational institutions.

b) a) Thematic Dossier, with a previously defined period and theme;

* Articles outside the Arts domain will be automatically rejected

Instructions for Authors

1. Contributions must be sent directly through UNESPAR's journal submission system, Word format, with "doc" or "docx" extensions. Files sent in PDF format will be deleted;

2. Only works submitted with appropriate grammatical and orthographic revisions will be accepted; it should be noted that the translation of the title, abstract and keywords into the foreign language are the responsibility of the author (s). The preferred foreign languages are Spanish and English;

3. The article must be sent without any identification of authorship in the attached document, as authorship and co-authorship must be informed at the time of registration of the text, in the UNESPAR system of journals;

4. The completion of biographical data, at the time of registration in the system, is mandatory and must have 3 to 10 lines [maximum], containing personal data of the author with a mandatory link to the curriculum lattes; the biographical text needs to emphasize the institutional link and the academic and / or artistic backgrounds of the author;
5. The texts sent in the Articles or Essays section must be unpublished and written in one of the following languages: Portuguese, English or Spanish, and must be in accordance with the editorial line of Revista Cientí­fica/FAP;
6. Articles or Essays texts must contain a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 25 pages, including references and cover page [with title, abstract, keywords in Portuguese and in a foreign language]. Expanded, revised and updated texts, originally presented and published in Annals of scientific and/or artistic events such as: Congress, Symposium, Seminar, Meeting, Exhibition, Festival will also be accepted, as long as there is a mandatory mention in a footnote on the first page of the work.

The journal publishes book reviews, collections, theses and dissertations available online, documentaries, films and other formats in the area of Arts published or shown in the last 4 years [in relation to the number/year of the volume of the Journal]. The review text must have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10 pages, present a title [independent of the title of the reviewed material], a brief abstract [3 to 5 lines], keywords [3 to 5] and present attached to the text a photographic image of the cover of the reviewed material for illustration purposes.
The interviews must have a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 pages, containing a title, a header on the first page with information about the person interviewed, the focus, date and place of the interview. The name (s) and a brief curriculum vitae [3 to 5 lines] - in a corresponding footnote - should be included on the interviewer (s).

1 The article or essay must start with a cover page containing:

1.1 title in bold (with or without subtitle) - centered in Arial 14 font;

1.2 abstract in vernacular (minimum of 150 and maximum of 250 words, in Arial font, size 12, with simple interline spacing, justified and without indentation);

1.3 keywords in vernacular language, separated by semicolons (from 3 to 5 words) that, preferably, are part of controlled vocabulary. Examples: USP Controlled Vocabulary; VCB of the National Congress Libraries, BNDigital of the National Library;

1.4 foreign language title (with or without subtitle) - centered in Arial 14 font;

1.5 abstract in foreign language, minimum of 150 and maximum of 250 words, in Arial font, size 12, with simple interline spacing, justified and without indentation);

1.6 foreign language keywords separated by semicolons (from 3 to 5 words) that, preferably, are part of controlled vocabulary.

2 Papers must be typed in Word and must follow the guidelines below:

2.1 text written in Arial font, size 12, justified and with 1.5 cm interline spacing;

2.2 footnotes, when necessary, Arial font size 10, justified and with simple interline spacing;

2.3 paragraphs with 1.5 cm paragraph indentation;

2.4 double space between parts [subtitles] of the text;

2.5 pages configured in A4 format, WITHOUT numbering.


3.1 In quotations of up to three lines, made within the text, the author's name must be mentioned in parentheses, by last name, in capital letters and separated from the date of publication, by comma. The specification of the page (s) must follow the date sequence, separated by a comma and preceded by "p." , as in (SILVA, 2000, p. 100), for example;

3.2 If the author's name is mentioned in the text, only the date is indicated, in parentheses, "as Silva (2000, p. 100) points out ..." ;

3.3 Quotations of several works by the same author, published in the same year, must be broken down by lowercase letters after the date, without spacing (SILVA, 2000a, p. 25); 
3.4 When the work has two or three authors, all names can be indicated, separated by semicolons (SILVA; SOUZA; SANTOS, 2000, p. 17); when there are more than three authors, the first author must be indicated followed by et al. (SILVA et al., 2000, p. 155);

3.5 Quotations with more than four lines must be highlighted, that is, presented in block, in font size 11, single space and with a 4 cm paragraph indentation.


4.1 References must contain information from all authors, websites, images, texts without authorship, news and other materials used/cited/quoted in the research, so that the material used as a basis for the research is identified by those who read the article on the UNESPAR journal's website. 

4.2 Examples of citations and references, according to ABNT standards (NBR 6023)


AGUIAR, Helen de. Emoção e interação em cena. Curitiba: Appris, 2019.

BENJAMIN, Walter.Rua de mão única. 5 ed. São Paulo: Brasiliense,1995. (Obras escolhidas, v. 3).

Book chapters

BAGGIO, Eduardo Tulio. Reflexões sobre orientações de pesquisa artí­stica em cinema. In: STEYER, Fábio Augusto; JAVAREZ, Jeanine Geraldo (Org). Literatura, cinema e ensino. Ponta Grossa: Editora Texto e Contexto, 2019 (p. 65-86).

Newspaper articles

FISCHER, Luí­s Augusto. Nobreza do samba.Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, 05 jul. 2009. Mais!, p. 3.

Article published in Periodicals

GONÇALVES, Michelle Bocchi; CASTILHO, Thais; GABARDO JUNIOR, Jair. Corpos dançantes na escola: diálogos entre a educação performativa e a perspectiva bakhtiniana.Bakhtiniana, Rev. Estud. Discurso[on-line]. 2019, vol.14, n.3, p. 136-155. ISSN: 2176-4573.Downloaded from: <>. Acess: 10 jul. 2019.

Work presented at an event

SANTIAGO, Silviano. O intelectual modernista revisado. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DA FACULDADE DE LETRAS DA UFRJ, 1., 1987, Rio de Janeiro.Anais...Rio de Janeiro: Faculdade de Letras da UFRJ, 1989. Palestra. p. 79-87.

Work presented at an event (electronic means)

ANDRADE, Paulo. Travessia e impasse: a tradição modernista na poesia de Sebastião Uchoa Leite. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DA ABRALIC: TRAVESSIAS, 11., 2004, Porto Alegre.Anais...Porto Alegre: ABRALIC; UFRGS, 2004. 1 CD-ROM.

Dissertations and thesis

ARAÚJO, Ana Carolina de. Videodança na escola: processos de criação entre crianças e uma artista-docente no ensino fundamental I. 2019. 160 f. Dissertação (mestrado em Artes da Cena) – Instituto de Artes, UNICAMP, Campinas, São Paulo, 2019.


5.1 The images must be sent in JPEG format, diagrammed and inserted in the text file and also sent in separate files, as a supplementary document, during the article submission process;

5.2 Each image file must have a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 300 dpi.

The use of images in general must be accompanied by a caption including the title of the image/figure, source, author's name, place (in the case of photographs) and date;

5.3 Each image inserted in the text must be indicated numerically (figure XX) in the body of the text, justifying its use.


Audiovisual files can be submitted as supplementary documents in MP3, MP4 or AVI formats. It is also recommended to use materials available in the deposit of video files, the Internet Archive portal, of sounds, in the Petrucci Music Library portal, and various files in the Public Domain.


In case the research involves any type of conflict of interest, the author must write a final note, stating that links with funding agencies have not been omitted. Likewise, mention should be made of the author's institution (s) of attachment. It is suggested, for articles resulting from research involving human beings, to inform the established ethical procedures that have been analyzed by the Research Ethics Committee. This information must be indicated in a footnote on the first page of the text.

Privacy Statement

Registration data relating to names, addresses and other data present in the periodical system will be used exclusively for publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.