



Content marketing, Digital strategies, Business management, Ice cream parlors.


Ice cream is a dessert that appeals to the taste buds of children, adults and the elderly of all ages and nationalities, at all different times of the day or season. In addition, content marketing refers to an approach that involves creating and distributing relevant and useful content to a target audience, with the aim of generating a connection, improving authority and promoting actions that result in business profits through social networks. Thus, this research seeks to meet the following objectives: to identify the reasons why the ice cream segment hires the services of a content marketing agency, to define and characterize content marketing, to present the forms of communication as advantages and strategies of digital content marketing applied to businesses specializing in the sale of ice cream. The aim is to answer the following question: what are the strategic reasons that drive a company's decision to hire a content marketing service for its social networks? The hypothesis is that managers who choose to hire content marketing services for their companies seek to gain recognition and authority for their brands. As a methodological procedure, this research was structured in two phases to meet the objectives of the study. The first phase consists of a literature review, addressing a descriptive and exploratory bibliographical research. Finally, this work sought to present curiosities about the history and business of ice cream and the relevance of content marketing strategies as a way of producing value for people and companies and building relationships with customers.


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Author Biographies

Geovana Lima Assis, UNIFASAM

Bacharel em  Administração.


Administradora, Doutora em Agronegócios, na linha de pesquisa de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Regional – PPGAGRO- UFG; Mestre em Conservação e Preservação do Cerrado (PPGCRENAC-IFGOIANO); MBA em Gestão da Qualidade; Especialista em Gestão Pública (UFG); Especialista em Planejamento Estratégico, Gestão e Implementação EaD (UFF); Especialista em Docência Universitária (FacLIONS). Docente Universitária (graduação, pós-graduação). Ensino presencial e Ead.


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