About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The American Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, also known as RAEI, is a quarterly journal, free of charge for authors and readers, with an academic and scientific profile and aimed at researchers, teachers and students. It is an official publication of the Department of Administration and the Pos-Graduate Group in Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Paraná State University (Universidade Estadual do Paraná – UNESPAR) Campus de Paranaguá - Brazil, and its objective is to publish studies that contribute to a better understanding of entrepreneurship creation, implementation and development and the innovation in non-profit organizations, educational institutions, research and companies in a general context, in order to contribute to the development of society and studies on interdisciplinarity.

Peer Review Process

The publication process of the paper will follow the following phases in the double blind peer review system, and the lack of conformity in any phase implies its return or rejection:

1. The first phase is the technical review when it is observed whether the article meets the publication standards.

2. The second phase is the pre-analysis, when the paper approved in the technical review is submitted to the area editors for consideration as to the adequacy of the journal interdisciplinary scope.

3. After this phase the area editors forward the article to two ad hoc rapporteurs for the merit and content analysis of the articles. At this stage the manuscript may be accepted, accepted in need of corrections or rejected with the main reasons. The articles that get corrections recommended should be re-posted to the system under the same numbering with a new reviewed version and with the recommended changes or with the highlighted arguments and justifications to facilitate final deliberation. The rejected papers, but with the possibility of reformulation and publication potential, must be submitted again with different numbering, thus starting a new process of analysis.

Neither the reviewers nor the authors, during the whole process of the articles, are not identified by the other party.



Open Access Policy
This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.