
  • Nilton Lima de Souza Junior UFBA
  • Amanda Galvani Cordeiro Matias UFBA



Technological innovation is fundamental for economic development and market competitiveness, driven by the implementation of new products, services, and business models. This study analyzes the technological production of Brazilian startups, focusing on patent ownership, using data from 2,593 active startups mapped by the Brazilian Association of Startups in 2023. Methodologically, the study is descriptive and qualitative, based on quantified secondary data compared with relevant literature. The results reveal that 22.44% of startups own patents, and these companies show greater engagement with academia (18.34%) and other industrial sectors (67.25%). Startups with patents are also more present in the final stages of development, such as traction (33.79%) and scaling (19.81%), and 42.99% of them received investments compared to 35.92% of those without patents. The analysis indicates that patent ownership serves as a quality indicator, positively influencing investors and promoting innovation within startups. Additionally, patents facilitate collaboration in open innovation, strengthening agreements and encouraging continuous innovation. It is concluded that technological development followed by obtaining patents is an effective strategy for startups, generating benefits for companies and society. Future research should include rigorous primary analyses and expand the temporal and geographical scope to obtain more robust results. This initial study on the technological production of Brazilian startups provides important insights into their impact on business success and social and technological benefits.


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