The writing of the self in the critical formation of students in the New High School




Self-poetic writing, Youth training, New High School, Literature


We present reflections on self-writing as a poetic-creative device in New High School. It is assumed that “autobiographical reflexivity” (Passeggi, 2011, p. 148), in a situation of interlocution with oneself and the other, promotes critical education through awareness of its heuristic and hermeneutic potential. The corpus comprises 22 texts written by students of the 1st year in creation workshops, in the Textual Production subject, in a school in São Paulo. For the analyses, we chose the poem “Ser” by Carla Adriani, a student who participated in the research, as it is representative of the importance of poetic writing of the self for critical reflection and its formation. It is estimated that the recognition of the adolescents’ word, as people historically situated and capable of critically reflecting on their own experiences, often neglected, bring significant contributions to aesthetic-poetic innovations in New High School and advances for qualitative research related to young students’ education criticism.


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Dossier: Biographical and narrative approaches in training, research and intervention