School Without Party and the teaching of history at present time


  • Edilza Joana Oliveira Fontes Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)
  • Davison Hugo Hugo Rocha Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará (UNIFESSPA)



School Without Party, History of Present Time, Public History, teacher-student relationship.


The aim of the article is to present the PL n. 687 de 2015 and defend the thesis that history teaching is the object of intervention by republican governments and how history teachers, as well as historians, bother who is in power. In this sense, we want to discuss the debates surrounding the teaching of History in our time, starting from the assumption that the school historical knowledge is a view of the past produced by teacher and student mediation in the classroom. Questioned by the project in progress in the National Congress, the teaching profession is at stake in our postmodern society, increasingly mediatized.


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