"Multiperspectivity" and controversies in the documentary "Guerra do Paraguai: a nossa grande guerra"


  • Eder Cristiano de Souza Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana
  • Alba Beatriz Salinas Benítez Universidade Estadual de Londrina




Paraguayan War, multiperspectivity, cultural industry


The documentary “Guerra do Paraguai: a nossa grande guerra” (RUAS, 2015) covers the history of the Paraguayan War, blending testimonies of intellectuals and public figures with the narrative of the facts, illustrated by the dramatization/reconstruction of the narrated scenes. In analyzing t his production, this paper aims at reflecting on the ways in which the cultural industry disseminates productions that appropriate historical issues and constitute notions and meanings that are socially shared. The central concept is the multiperspectivity expressed in the documentary and the identified problem is related to the fact that this is inclined to a simplistic relativism and creates a negative view of the Paraguayan nation in such historical process, also explaining ideological inclinations in the historiographic debate.


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