Lumpa Movement: ethnic learnings for a Christian identity in Zambia




Intercultural, Lumpa Movement, Identity


Our scope was to investigate the Lumpa Movement (1954-1964), led by Alice Lenshina in Zambia, as intercultural identity processes relating to long-term learning. We used the conception of learning constellations, establishing the interface between African historiography and the Anthropology of Education and Community Social Psychology. We read the Movement as other social means of identity affirmation by metabolizing ancestral cults and rites by women, as well as the combat against witchcraft to appeal to modern community afflictions. We conclude that the Movement reinforced community responses with better cultural practices, according to demand, in contrast to political, economic and religious interests for prestige and domination of the labor force. Those patriarchal powers made use of the military force to massacre the followers, to imprison Alice Lenshina and to banish the Movement of female leadership, while it was a possible affirmation of an independent local power.


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