Disease in the reception of the Philoctetes myth in the Brazilian Military Regime: Carlos Henrique Escobar’s “Ramom, o Filoteto Americano”





Reception, Brazilian Military Dictatorship, Philoctetes, Disease


At the crossroads between history and theater, this paper analyzes the play “Ramom, o Filoteto Americano” (1975) by Carlos Henrique Escobar, written during the Military Dictatorship in Brazil and winner of the 1975 National Dramaturgy Contest (Concurso Nacional de Dramaturgia) award. We start from the perspective of classical reception in order to understand how elements of the Greek myth are used in a context of repression. The author resignifies the main elements of Sophocles’s Philoctetes to build a sensitivity focused on the distress that emerged in one of the most repressive periods of the Dictatorship. The paper demonstrates how Ramom is a meaningful critical drama that resignifies Philoctetes’ disease. In Ramom’s tortured body echoes the suffering of a repressive and colonized society. The article highlights research possibilities in a complex play that makes the most of the Greek legacy in order to explore sensitive themes of the Dictatorship, which were not noticed by censors due to its radical performance structure and boldness.


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