From the right to denial: the challenges of student access and stay in Youth an Adult Education




Youth and Adult Education, School dropout, School failure


The article presents some reflections on school dropout and failure of students of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) of the municipal teaching network of Itapetinga (BA). The objective of the study was to understand the reality of these occurrences in 3 school units that offer this type of teaching, as well as to know the challenges and perspectives that arise to carry out a meaningful education for these subjects. The methodological path of the research was guided by the qualitative-descriptive approach. The data produced were interpreted and analyzed based on theoretical references such as: Haddad and Di Pierro (2000), Santos (2003), Arroyo (2018), Oliveira (2018) and the legislation educational policy. We consider that the problems faced by EJA teaching institutions need an effective political and pedagogical intervention, with a view to the realization of a teaching that promotes the full fulfillment of the rights to quality education ensured by laws to the subjects of EJA, guaranteeing in addition to access, their permanence in schools.


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