The small and remarkable inside amazonialism: Acre in internet memes




Rhizomatic curriculum, Internet Memes, Archives-Plateaus


This article seeks to detraditionalize and problematize visual thinking about the state of Acre through internet memes operating in the rhizomatic curricular perspective. Therefore, cultural studies concerning the construction of social meanings were considered, seeking to analyze the polyphony of knowledge-powers that speak with, by, and in Amazon. The Plateau Archives, our Foucaultian-Deleuzian antigens, were collected, treated, unembroidered, and mixed from an archival science-ethnographic cross-data analysis. Internet memes that dialogue with these multimodal objects and evoke discursive practices about Amazon were captured. This de-othering unveils aesthetic becomings and reveals a territory of affirmation of senses and meanings about the Rhizomatic Curriculum in school.


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Dossier: Society, Culture and Borders: relationships, sensibilities, and conflict in an interdisciplinary perspective