Language teacher education in the context of internationalization




Internationalization, Teacher education, Languages without Borders (LwB), English


Investigating how teacher education in commodified contexts occurs is essential for us to undertake practices that operate in the education of non-alienated individuals. Therefore, in this paper we seek to understand which aspects of teacher education, in internationalization contexts, are approached in the abstracts of papers presented in two conferences in the area of applied linguistics, one of which being international and, the other, Latin American. Thus, we aim to collaborate with the research panorama which regards teacher training in internationalization contexts. Our analysis was based on the lexical-semantic analysis of these abstracts in order to understand the meanings given to teacher education in the context of the Languages without Borders (LwB) program. The results point out that the majority of papers that mention pre-service teaching is aligned with themes already approached in teacher education, and also highlight still not explored issues within this area.



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