Music therapy services with black women




Music therapy, Women, Black Population, Quality of Life, Social Determinants of Health


This work investigated the effects of Community Music Therapy (CoMt) practices with black women in the city of Belo Horizonte/MG. Voluntarily, 3 women participated in 8 Group Music Therapy sessions, lasting 1 hour. Participants completed the World Health Organization Quality of Life - bref (WHOQOL-bref) test, which asks about the respondent's quality of life and DASS-21, a self-report instrument on Negative Affects. The results of the quantitative analysis, through hypothesis testing and effect size, and qualitative analysis, based on the Thematic Analysis, indicated that the 8 music therapy sessions were sufficient to mobilize domains of the assessment instruments with a good effect size, with the exception of the Environment (WHOQOL - bref) and Anxiety (DASS-21) domains. Despite the small sample size and, therefore, the t-test not capturing statistical significance between the means of most tests, it was verified, based on the effect size, that the CoMt services mobilized changes mainly in the psychological, physical and social relationships domains (assessed by WHOQOL-bref) and depression and stress (assessed by DASS-21). Future research should take the sample size into account to obtain more evidence on the effects of music therapy with black women.


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Author Biographies

Jeniffer Reis, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Musician licensed in Music Therapy with a focus on social and mental health. He has experience in clinical care for children with ASD, institutions dedicated to the care and social inclusion of subjects with mental illness (Cersam's/SRT's), long-term care institutions for elderly people (ILPI) and philanthropic projects. Its objective is to apply music as a tool to promote health, well-being and social transformation. She is currently a music therapist at the Centro de Musicalização Integrado (CMI).

Frederico Pedrosa, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Professor of the Graduation in Music with Qualification in Music Therapy at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Doctor in Music from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2023), Master in Music from the Federal University of Paraná (2018) and Bachelor in Music Therapy from the Faculty of Arts of Paraná (2010). He works in research in the areas of music therapy, mental health, music education and popular culture. He was a temporary professor of the Bachelor of Music Therapy at the State University of Paraná between 2016 and 2017, where he taught subjects related to language, musical performance and learning, in addition to supervising internships in Mental Health and supervising course completion work. Participates in the research groups Center for Studies in Music Therapy, CEMT-CNPq, and the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and Research in Music Therapy, NEPIM-CNPq. He was part of the Jazz Cigano Quinteto, Paranambuco, Omundô and Orquestra Rabecônica do Brasil groups, with which he studied and developed performances using the musical language of traditional Brazilian cultures and other regions of the world. He has clinical experience in the areas of Mental Health, Chemical Dependency, Geriatrics and Special Education. He has experience working and supervising internships in the areas of Mental Health, Chemical Dependency, Geriatrics and Special Education.



How to Cite

Soares dos Reis, J., Gonçalves Pedrosa, F., Arndt, A., & Mara, M. (2024). Music therapy services with black women. O Mosaico, 18(1), 1–22.



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