Pedagogia Hiphop

uma proposta de ensino baseada na perspectiva da dança breaking


  • Raphael Fernandes de Souza UNESPAR



pedagogia, hiphop, dança, breaking


By approaching theories of education, in the search for possible methodological dialogues with teaching Breaking dance, one of the creative elements of Hip-Hop culture, it is possible to observe a great similarity in their purposes, objectives, methods and applications with proposals recognized by formal education as verified in Freire (1996), Hooks (2013), Robinson (2016), Camara (2020), Pacheco (2008), Resnik (2017), Saviani and Duarte (2012), Gardner (1995), and many other renowned theorists of the area of Education. In comparison with the ideas of the Universal Zulu Nation (2022), the NGO responsible for organizing Hip-Hop as a tool for social transformation, together with the UNESCO declaration, which since 2001 indicates Hip-Hop as an international cultural heritage for promoting peace and prosperity, the review of this article perceives the existence of an educational hybrid through the possibility of a Hip-Hop Pedagogy. From the point of view of Breaking dance, the article reflects on how models of peripheral learning can suggest new teaching environments for formal institutions, having the body in motion as a starting point. The reflection of peripheral educational models that dialogue with theories of education, can contribute to the reflection on possible openings to reconfigure the school environment, motivating the use of space beyond a moment of learning, knowledge and global recognition of the world, but also of fun. The culture, the individuals who enjoy the urban language, as well as its impact on society are understood, which means also approaching and discovering ways to act with it in the social world beyond the school walls.


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Author Biography

Raphael Fernandes de Souza, UNESPAR

Professor, artista da dança, inquieto e multitarefa, busca no movimento e filosofia HIP-HOP uma poética de existir no espetáculo da vida. Graduado em Ed. Física (UTP), com especialização em Aprendizagem Criativa (M.I.T.edx), Artes Híbridas (UTFPR), Liderança e Aprendizado (Harvard.X), atualmente é Mestrando em linguagens Educacionais no ensino das Artes, pela UNESPAR, onde desenvolve uma pesquisa sobre modelos de ensino para Danças Urbanas, seu estilo de origem. Praticante, pesquisador e entusiasta da cultura Hiphop desde 2001.  



How to Cite

Fernandes de Souza, R. (2023). Pedagogia Hiphop: uma proposta de ensino baseada na perspectiva da dança breaking. O Mosaico, 17(2), 199–213.