Representações da ditadura chilena. o olhar do diretor Pablo Larraín (2008-2012)


  • Allan Constancio Unespar



Pablo Larraín, Ditadura chilena, Representações fílmicas


This research consists of the analysis of the film works “Tony Manero”, “Post Mortem” and “No” known as “Trilogy about the dictatorship”, representations of the director Pablo Larraín about the Chilean military dictatorship. This article will take an investigative path from the director's training, his personal and family life and his artistic choices in contrast to the history of Chile, addressing the historical factors and events that gave rise to the coup imposed by the military and the rise of the cruelest Latin American dictatorship led by Pinochet resulted in the death and torture of thousands of people. Another important point is the relationship between cinema and history, both of which are narrative instruments and have as an intrinsic motor the problematization of events, thus being fundamental pieces for understanding and analyzing the director's representations and how he appropriates them to bring to light the present. the dictatorship that attacked Chile in 1973.


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Author Biography

Allan Constancio, Unespar

Graduado em História pela Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (2020). Graduando em Cinema e Audiovisual pela Universidade Estadual do Paraná. Tem experiência na área de pesquisa histórica, com ênfase em historia contemporânea e história do cinema. Atua como roteirista e produtor de curtasmetragens.



How to Cite

Constancio, A. (2023). Representações da ditadura chilena. o olhar do diretor Pablo Larraín (2008-2012). O Mosaico, 17(2), 230–249.