An anthropologist between scientific commitment and social responsibility




Scientific responsibility, Social responsibility, Applied research, Interdisciplinarity, Epistemology


Basing myself mainly on my personal experience, in the article I explore three questions, which I confronted during my long journey as a research scientist. These questions are closely related to the central topic of this issue: the role of university in society. The first question is about the notion of commitment or dedication, faced from the position of either the scientist or the citizen. Conflicts arise between the intellectual requirements of each position. The second question, which can be seen as another side of the first one, concerns the independence of the research scientist as a knowledge producer, when considering demands that originate from society. How to preserve the indispensable freedom of thought that is the key to one’s creativity? Finally, the third question refers to the destiny and trajectory of scientific knowledge within society. A trajectory that inevitably leads ideas and scientific conclusions to take on a life of their own, outside the control of scientists.


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