WebBio Teaching Project: Contributions of an Educational Website for learning in Biology





Virtual learning environments, blogs and websites host various digital resources that can be potentially important in educational processes. This study aimed to investigate the contributions of a specific website to learning in Biology. We developed the WebBio website as part of a six-month teaching project. We constructed the research data using a Google form questionnaire. Ten students from the 3rd year of High School and Integrated Technical Education participated in the research carried out at IFTM - Uberaba Parque Tecnológico campus. The analysis of the empirical corpus had a qualitative approach using content analysis. The results indicate that educational websites can play a significant role in teaching-learning process by enabling interactions and dynamic sharing of information. Videos, activities and podcasts have great educational potential and, when combined with efficient design, ease of access, navigation and organization of information, can maintain students' motivation, interest and engagement. For research participants, videos linked to exercises were the website resources most used in their studies. The site proved to be a substantial tool for content review. Thus, this proposal suggests that websites can be relevant tools to aid studies, offering alternatives that enable more enjoyable and effective learning.


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Author Biographies

Renato de Oliveira, Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro

Doutorando em Educação pela UFTM. Mestre em Ciências Fisiológicas pela UFTM (2015). Especialista no Ensino de Ciências, Biologia e Educação Ambiental UFU (2004). Licenciado em Ciências Biológicas pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (1999). Atualmente é professor EBTT efetivo do IFTM, campus Avançado Uberaba Parque Tecnológico. Leciona Biologia no Ensino Médio e Técnico. Foi Coordenador do Ensino Médio e Técnico em 2012. Lecionou Genética para a Engenharia Agronômica e Parasitologia, Anatomia Humana, Embriologia e Histologia nos cursos de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas e Bacharelado em Zootecnia de 2009 a 2015 no IFTM campus Uberaba. É vice líder do Grupo de Pesquisa em Educação, Tecnologias e Ensino de Ciências (GPETEC http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/4974565101412687). Integrante do Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Educação Não Formal e Ensino de Ciências (GENFEC - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/242984). Tem experiência em Biologia, com ênfase em Fisiologia cardiovascular, Embriologia e Histologia. Também tem experiência em Educação, com ênfase em Ensino de Ciências, Formação de Professores, divulgação científica e metodologias ativas. Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/6342418379812394

Daniel Ovigli, Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro

He has a degree in Exact Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP), a degree in Biological Sciences, a specialist in New Technologies in Mathematics Teaching and in Planning, Implementation and Management of Distance Learning, both from the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), a specialist in Inclusive Education from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the South of Minas Gerais (IFSulMG), specialist in Digital Education from the State University of Bahia (Uneb), master's degree in Education [line of research: Science and Mathematics Teaching] from the Federal University of São Carlos (PPGE/UFSCar) and PhD in Education for Science from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (Unesp), with a post-doctoral internship at the University of Huelva (UHU), Spain. He is currently a professor at the Department of Education in Sciences, Mathematics and Technologies (DECMT), linked to the Institute of Exact, Natural Sciences and Education (ICENE) at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) where he works on the undergraduate course in Bachelor of Science in Education. Field: areas of knowledge Natural Sciences and Mathematics and in the Postgraduate Program in Education (PPGE/UFTM), Master's and Doctorate levels. He was Coordinator (2019-2021) and Substitute Coordinator (2021-2023) of the aforementioned Department and is currently Deputy Coordinator of the UFTM Research Ethics Committee (2018-2023). He is currently Substitute Institutional Coordinator of Scientific Initiation and Substitute Coordinator of the Degree in Rural Education course. He is leader of the Study and Research Group on Non-Formal Education and Science Teaching (GENFEC - https://genfec.com.br/), member of the Red de Investigación Sobre Enseñanza de la Investigación (RISEI - https://risei. org/), the Mineira Scientific Communication Network (RMCC - https://redemineiradecomunicacaocientifica.wordpress.com/) and Global Edu-Leaders (GEL - https://www.globaleduleaders.org/). In its curriculum, the most common terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are: science education, mathematics education, scientific dissemination, science museums and teacher training.

