Formação Continuada: Metodologias Ativas e a Didática Transdisciplinar
The speed with which information spreads inside and outside schools and the growing demands of an increasingly diverse and connected public require teachers to develop pedagogical strategies centered on the student in the learning process. To this end, this research aimed to investigate the continued training of teachers in active methodologies in basic education and transdisciplinary didactics, evidenced in Brazilian academic production between the period 2019 and 2023. Methodologically, this study is classified as descriptive in relation to the objective, bibliographic in terms of type, systematic review in terms of procedure and qualitative in relation to the nature of the data. The results demonstrate opportunities to promote new studies that contribute to active methodologies and transdisciplinary teaching. Considering the research results, the importance of encouraging new studies on these themes stands out, in order to contribute to the continued training of basic education teachers by increasing new knowledge and in a manner open to partnerships.