Educational practices in the training of teachers who teach mathematics in the digital culture




We aim to characterize possibilities of educational practices in the Training of Teachers who Teach Mathematics in digital culture, a scenario in which it is essential to establish a link between the curriculum and the daily challenges faced by teachers. In this way, we bricolage the methodologies: 1) Creative Insubordination, where the teacher/researcher will be subversively responsible for creating spaces for educational practices; and, 2) the elements of Design-Based Research (DBR), which presents four stages: a) description of the educational problem; b) description of the development of the pedagogical artifact from a guiding theory; c) description of the pedagogical intervention; and, d) description of design principles. All this will allow us to develop a toolbox or instruments to resignify educational practices, in order to generate authentic approaches to the contexts where they are established and to understand the reconfiguration of mathematics teaching in the digital culture, a key point to strengthen teachers' education and provide opportunities for their reflections in different educational spaces.


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Author Biography

Uriel José Castellanos Aguirre, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Doutor em Educação pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA-FACE) - 2020.Mestre em Educação pela Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL-IMPM/Venezuela) - 2014. Licenciatura em Matemática pela Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Carabobo (FACE-UC/Venezuela) - 2011, revalidado pela Universidade Federal da Bahía no 2020. É Professor Visitante na modalidade de Pós-doutorado Junior no Grupo de Pesquisa Educação, Comunicação e Tecnologias (GEC/FACED/UFBA) e Professor Adjunto-Visitante do PPGECM/UESC. Atuante, principalmente, na área de Educação, Comunicação e Tecnologias nos seguintes temas: Ensino da Matemática, Modelagem Matemática, Cultura Digital, Cultura Livre, Políticas Educacionais, TIC, Gestão Educacional, Educação e Tecnologias.

