Análise de Tendências sobre Robótica Educacional no Ensino de Ciências




We carried out a systematic review of publications in scientific journals A1 and A2, as well as in the CAPES Theses and Dissertations Database in order to identify trends in Brazilian production on educational robotics in science teaching. The research aims to verify the incidence of scientific works on the topic of Educational Robotics in Science Teaching. Over the years we have known the need to include technologies in the classroom and thus found thirty-two within the theme. The main trends indicated that Brazilian production is still scarce in material and uses the main theoretical references already consolidated in international literature. It was also found that the works used an Arduino kit in research with higher education students and the Lego kit with elementary and high school students. In addition to research focusing on the area of ​​knowledge of exact sciences. As a suggestion for future research, we point out the need to analyze research on scientific events involving educational robotics.


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