Ciências na Educação Infantil e o Livro Didático: Um Panorama de Teses e Dissertações Brasileiras


  • Elisa Regina Avrella PPGEC -MESTRADO NO ENSINO DE CIÊNCIAS - UFFS Campus Cerro Largo
  • Erica do Espírito Santo Hermel Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul



Science in Early Childhood Education (CE) has shown new possibilities for work that values ​​and respects children and their singularities. Looking closely at them and the context in which they live daily at school leads us to realize how rich the opportunities and possibilities of working science are, meeting their development and learning needs. Based on this observation, we must always seek in education a welcoming environment, and contextualization with the reality faced by students. Textbooks (TB) are one of the tools used in schools, both by students and teachers, and the Science content is sometimes presented in detail and at other times in a precarious way in TB; thus, it becomes essential to know what recent research points out about Science Teaching in Early CE using the TB. For this purpose, this bibliographical-documentary article analyzed the conceptions of the science teaching curriculum and the presence of TB in eight dissertations and two theses. About the curriculum conceptions, there was a predominance of the Traditional curriculum, followed by the Critical conception, less frequently, the Post-critical conception. Regarding the presence of the TB, it was possible to identify that the vast majority of the works did not use the TB, being its most current use. The survey also pointed to the lack of discussions in Graduate Programs on the teaching of Science in Early CE and TB.


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Author Biography

Erica do Espírito Santo Hermel, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul

Professora do Quadro Permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciências (PPGEC), Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS), campus Cerro Largo-RS. Doutora em Ciências Biológicas: Neurociências/UFRGS. E-mail:

