Desenvolvimento profissional de professores: uma discussão acerca do conceito


  • Ana Paula Gestoso de Souza UFSCAR



In this article, we propose to compose a scenario for the discussion on professional development (PD) and seek to understand the concept, through its historicity. Taking as a starting point the following research question: what concept of professional development has been adopted in academic production in education, from 2000 to 2022? Through a systematic survey, we mapped the Brazilian production on the professional development of teachers based on a systematization of theses, dissertations and national articles indexed in the Capes and National Library of Dissertations and Theses databases. The research based on the indexes 'professional development' and 'professional development of teachers' and 'professional development of teachers' identified 194 articles. In the survey carried out on the Capes platform, 83 dissertations and theses that have the index in their title were filtered. We identified several challenges in the scientific production on teaching professional development, in particular, the lack of definition of the construct; the use of the training concept as a synonym for PD and the incipient number of articles that considered the opinion of professors regarding their own PD. Despite the fact that there are excellent authors who have been dealing with the subject for a long time, we present a contribution to the construction of a definition for the construct. Contributing to the systematization of the PD theme, identifying the existence or not of gaps in the literature on the subject, analyzing the publications and the evolution of the concept.


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