Educação Financeira: A Percepção dos Alunos do 9º Ano do Ensino Fundamental das Escolas Públicas de Rondon do Pará


  • Victória de Nazaré Gemaque Cardoso Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará
  • Maurílio Arruda de Araújo Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará



Financial education in elementary school has been gaining space and notoriety in schools, being inserted in an interdisciplinary way in basic education, in accordance with the Common National Curricular Base of elementary education of 2017, and the decree Nº 7.397 of  2010, which was restructured by the decree No. 10.393 of 2020, which established the National Strategy for Financial Education and creation of the Brazilian Forum for Financial Education. In view of this, the present work aims to verify the perception of 9th grade students of public schools in the city of Rondon do Pará, regarding financial education. The methodology used was of qualitative nature, of exploratory type, then for data collection was applied with seventeen closed statements, in a final sample of 66 students. According to the results obtained, 75.7% learned finance in the family environment, and 53.1% claim to have achieved knowledge of financial education at school, it is increasingly perceived that financial education is present in the daily lives of students, whether at school or in the family. However, only 54.6% of respondents perceive in the school environment that teachers use knowledge of financial education as examples, activities, everyday situations, and others. Thus, it is possible to highlight that the preponderance of influence is in the family nucleus, thus, this study provides information about the reality of financial education from the point of view of 9th grade students, identifying the need for greater interference of the school environment, to contribute efficiently in the formation of the student and collaborate to a more balanced future financial life, reducing indebtedness rates and strengthening the conscious use of resources.

Keywords: Financial Education, School, Family.


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