The Profile of Pibid in public schools in Humaitá/AM




The Institutional Program of Scholarships for Initiation to Teaching - Pibid bets on the insertion of undergraduates in schools, which provides the experience of students in schools. In this context, this article aims to present the profile of this Program in the schools of Humaitá / AM.  The methodology addressed has the content of qualitative research in order to seek information about the characteristics of Pibid, the data were acquired through the application of a semi-structured questionnaire via application in an online way directed to public school teachers available to answer the research, then the data were analyzed with the aid of references. Thus, with the acquired data, it is visible that there are 4 nuclei of Pibid (Biology and Chemistry; English language; Physics and Pedagogy) who use the same teaching methods in different schools, obtaining better performance of students which provides unique classroom experience for Pibidians and who develop activities in a fruitful way.


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