The curriculum and the construction of professional knowledge mediated by digital resources in the early education of Chemistry teachers




In the course of their professional performance, teachers appropriate certain pedagogical tools and construct different understandings about curricular guidelines that particularly contribute to shape their forms of action in the classroom. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze the ways in which teachers in formation interact with tools web pages, looking for evidence of the constitution of teaching knowledge mediated by digital technology in the interface between conceptual content and the curriculum proposal of Chemistry for high school. Methodologically supported by a pedagogical intervention investigation, the results found allowed relating modes of appropriation of curriculum guidelines and digital technology with the opportunities and constraints produced in the process of teaching planning by undergraduates. The interventional experience proved to be favorable to the development of aspects related to technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) of the undergraduates, although latent difficulties in understanding and fluency in the pedagogical work with the official curriculum proposal for Chemistry have been identified. These aspects can be understood as relevant barriers to the meta-learning of technology as a suitable resource for the process of teaching and learning science in general, and Chemistry, in particular. Thus, we highlight the contributions of guided moments of interaction and critical reflection of undergraduates with curriculum proposals mediated with digital technologies for the constitution of the TPACK of trainee teachers. Finally, it reinforces the need for a deeper and committed reflection on the (re)definition of the role of initial and continuing education of teachers with respect to the meanings attributed by the subjects and the institutional importance given to ICTs in pedagogical mediation in favor of a better formative experience for students.


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