An Experience of Project-Based Learning in a Techincal Hig School


  • Alexandre Magno Ferreira Diniz Federal Institute of Ceará
  • Arliene Stephanie Menezes Pereira Federal Institute of Ceará



The grade course of electrical technical of IFCE Juazeiro do Norte-CE has technical and propaedeutic subjects. In the classroom, many students lack commitment to technical subjects is perceived, resulting in a low level of learning, and a high dropout or retention rate. Some causes of these problems can be attributed to several factors, such as the immaturity of many of these students, and the lack of knowledge of the desired course for their professional life. The paper aims to investigate an experience report during the intervention of activities carried out with the 2nd grade of the electrical technical course. The active Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodology was applied in projects for a science fair. The PBL method aims to stimulate the student's self-learning and curiosity, and the teacher is the facilitator of this process. The research is a qualitative type with exploratory and descriptive aspects based on an experience report. The research was implemented in a classroom of 38 students. Some group dynamics techniques were used to choose experiments from the science fair. During the process of project development, it was possible to see the great interest in research by students. Also, the students demonstrated resourcefulness in the oral presentation of the projects. The commitment to the quality of the presentations and the level of technical knowledge of the teams were some good points. We can say that the PBL method is effective for stimulating the learning and creativity of these students.


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Author Biographies

Alexandre Magno Ferreira Diniz, Federal Institute of Ceará

Alexandre Magno Ferreira Diniz is PhD in Industrial Engineering from the Federal University of Bahia. He is Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará. He has experience in Electrical Engineering and Industrial Engineering, working in teaching and research, mainly on topics: energy efficiency, teaching of electrical engineering, renewable energies, embedded systems, and modeling and simulation of systems in steady and dynamic regime.

Arliene Stephanie Menezes Pereira, Federal Institute of Ceará

Arliene Stephanie Menezes Pereira is a Master in Physical Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. She teaches at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará. She is a doctoral student at the State University of Ceará, in the area of teacher education. She researches and projects on school Physical Education, ethnic-racial and intercultural relations, meanings on socio-anthropological, epistemological and philosophical bases about the body.


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