This is an outdated version published on 2023-12-15. Read the most recent version.

A arte no estado de encontros com o processo criativo de Sérgio Moura




In this article, the objective is to present the art in the state of encounters with the creative process of Sergio Moura, and the mediation between artists and society so that the creative power flows independently. Therefore, it consists in the reflection of his Artshow project, and on the urgency of cultivating creative sensitivity with the strange national reality, and in the approach of each one in the whole, in the collective. In this way, Sergio Moura's work contemplates the collective loaded with critical content due to the persistence in carrying out relational and experiential projects, often transitory, over the years in the artistic field in general, which occurred during the military dictatorial period. In this sense, by establishing a common space to share this place as a society and return to the receiver the look around, whether finding similarities or disagreements with the theory of the philosopher Jacques Rancière, it is intended to propose a reading of relational aesthetics in the approach of the materials analyzed from the main references: Luise Boeno Malmaceda, Maria José Justino, Artur Freitas and Jacques Rancière.

Keywords: Art; Collective; Critical; Break; Creative Freedom.


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Author Biographies

Regiane Bressan, UNESPAR

Mestranda em Artes, linha de pesquisa Processos Criativos, pela UNESPAR. Artista Visual. Graduada em Pintura pela Escola de Música e Belas Artes do Paraná. Realizou a Direção de Fotografia e Edição dos vídeos “Olha a Rua”(2017) e “Adalice Araújo na Lente do ARTIXX”(2011), do Coletivo ARTIXX. Em 2008, foi palestrante na Semana Internacional do Museu, realizada no Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná, Curitiba / PR(2008).

Salete Paulina Machado Sirino, Universidade Estadual do Paraná

Doutora e Mestre em Letras (UNIOESTE). Mestre em Educação (UEPG). Especialista em Cinema e Vídeo (FAP).  Reitora da Universidade Estadual do Paraná (UNESPAR), docente do Mestrado Profissional em Artes e do Curso de Bacharelado em Cinema e Audiovisual no campus de Curitiba II/FAP. Coordena o Grupo de Pesquisa Cinema e Educação (UNESPAR/CNPq). Figura como organizadora dos livros Cinema Brasileiro na Escola: pra começo de conversa (2014) e Cinema Brasileiro e Educação (2018).


