Poles Dance





This visual essay is made of pictures taken while observing for a few years the fate of an illigal city development in the ouskirts of a city in inland São Paulo state, one which remained shut down by city's authorities for one decade or so. In 2027 owners managed to comply with laws and the works resumed. The exception was energy distribution and street lighting poles which were deployed in between making a ghostly reminder of streets that stubbornly remained unreal while cattle grazed on beneth them. Most photographs here assembled depict on going works with its admixture of materials, that is, vegetation, concrete, loose soil and wiring going up and down according to the terrain. But what is at stake here is how something ugly and dishonest can be the stuff of images that purport to be beautiful. This hypothesis points out to photography being a transfiguration of nature rather than a mere reproduction.


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Author Biography

Marcos Faccioli Gabriel, Universidade Estadual Paulista UNESP - Faculdade de Ciência e Tecnologia

Professor de história da arquitetura e de estética em meu departamento. Minha dissertação de mestrado (EESC-USP) estudava a obra do arquiteto Vilanova Artigas como obra de arte. Tese de doutorado (FAUUSP) intitulada Mário Pedrosa e a arquitetura brasileira: autonomia e sí­ntese das artes. Atualmente desenvolvo pós-doutorado (FAU USP) com o tema Em busca do estilo da modernidade.





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