Crianças e adolescentes no museu de arte de Blumenau num vernissage:

A partilha estética




The objectives of this article are: to discuss the potential of the Museums of Blumenau and region for aesthetic, cultural and artistic education and, to understand through museum records the objects proposed for aesthetic, artistic and cultural education in the perspective of understanding the policy of sharing the aesthetic. It is part of investigations on aesthetic propositions in Art Museums. It is a study with a qualitative approach, anchored in Educational Research Based on Art, characterized as an a/r/tography. The generation of data, with five children and adolescents, permeated photographic records during the vernissage and in “lines” diary narratives. The results indicate that children and adolescents recognize museum spaces as places of knowledge and culture, open to the public. That the cultural mediation in the relationship with the artist present during the vernissage enriches the dialogue and opens possibilities of perception about the works and the understanding of the art system. That they are more involved in interactive works. Recognizing the presence of children and adolescents as a potential audience shows us the relevance of a “listening"that considers what children have to say, an attentive, respectful, and dialogic listening that opens in mediation with these subjects.


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Author Biographies

Carla Carvalho, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Doutora em Educação (UFPR), Mestre em Educação (UNIVALI), professora de Arte Titular no Departamento de Arte da FURB e professsora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da FURB. Lí­der do Grupo de pesquisa Arte e Estética na Educação.

Rosana Clarice Coelho Wenderlich, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Master in Education from the Regional University of Blumenau - FURB. Pedagogue, Pedagogical Coordinator of the Municipal Network of Blumenau.

