Brief time notes:

Juarez Machado and other artists in “What inhabits the artist's studio?”




This study marks a brief review of the trajectory of the artist's studio in the history of art, placing its importance in some moments of history, reaching the contemporary. In an analysis about the importance of this space of creation for the artistic plastic result, Joe Fig and Juarez Machado are approached, among others, as examples of artists who have in the studio their space of creation and sacred refuge, but also, in certain cases, the studio as a theme in the artistic result.


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Author Biographies

Luciane Ruschel Nascimento Garcez

Doutora em Estudos e Ciências da Arte/Teoria e História da Arte. Pós-doutora em Teoria e História da Arte.

Sandra Makowiecky, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

Master in Development Management and International Cooperation from the Modern University of Lisbon and Interdisciplinary Doctorate in Human Sciences from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Titular Professor at the State University of Santa Catarina - undergraduate, masters and doctorate in Visual Arts at the Arts Center. Director of MESC – Museum of Education of Santa Catarina. Member of the Brazilian Association of Art Critics Section Brazil Aica Unesco - ABCA. Member of the International Association of Art Critics - AICA. Member of the Brazilian Art History Committee - CBHA. Member of the National Association of Plastic Arts Researchers - ANPAP. Member of the Historical and Geographical Institute of SC - IHGSC.

