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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The items listed below are mandatory conditions for paper submission, failure to meet the conditions will automatically cancel the submission:
  • REPEAT: Author(s) cannot submit more than one article per year.
  • REVIEWERS: the author(s) must indicate in an attached file 03 reviewers (PhD) without conflicts of interest (see below), indicating Name, email, justification for the indication, online curriculum Lattes or institutional page of the reviewer.

    Conflicts of interest, for example:
    1) I am not a boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse, companion, relative, consanguineous or related, in a direct or collateral line, up to the third degree, of any of the reviewers enrolled;
    2) I am not/was not a supervisor nor was I supervised by the names indicated as a reviewers;
    3) I do not and have not participated in the same research group that the reviewers participate/participated in;
    4) I have no published work with the reviewers ;
    5) I am unaware of the existence of any other situation that may characterize conflict of interest that would prevent the indication of reviewers for my article;
  • AUTHORS: PhD degree for one of the authors and at least a Master's degree for the co-authors.
  • CONTENT: the work is original and unpublished.
  • OTHER SUBMISSIONS: the work is not being submitted to other Journals.
  • LANGUAGE: Portuguese, Spanish or English (abstracts and keywords in the three languages)
  • FORMAT: must follow the indications of the link:
  • REGISTRATION: all the author(s) must be registered in the Journal. Indicate: Name, e-mail, ORCID, title (university), institutional link.
  • All images present in the submitted work are duly authorized for publication purposes. Any violation of rights is the sole responsibility of the authors.

Author Guidelines

Formatting Standards for Art & Sensorium

The International Interdisciplinary Journal of Visual Arts - Art & Sensorium, founded in 2014, is published by the Graduate Program of the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná - Unespar Curitiba Campus 1, accepts for evaluation original works, new, concise and consistent papers preferably with an interdisciplinary approach, establishing bridges between disciplines mainly in thematic areas such as:

- History and Theory of Art,

- Visual Poetics (Creation processes)

- Inter and transdisciplinary bridges with other areas of knowledge keeping the focus on art.

Contributions will be accepted in the following ways:

a) Paper: must be original, an academic and/or technical-scientific contribution intended to disseminate results of scientific research, of an empirical, experimental or conceptual nature (minimum 4.000 - maximum 15.000 words, including titles, abstracts, references, etc.).

b) Essay: detailed reflection, with appropriate wording to the scope of a scientific publication, with greater freedom for the author to defend a certain position, which aims to deepen a discussion or to present a new contribution/approach regarding a relevant topic (minimum 4.000 - maximum 15.000 words, including titles, abstracts, references, etc.).

c) Review: critical analysis of a book published in the last two years (up to 4.000 words, with the same settings as the text is requested, including a complete bibliographic reference in the header).

d) Visual Poetics (Creative Process): follows the same rule as articles, but they are about the author's creative process and can be written in the first person.

e) Visual Essays: these are essays where images are part of the author's poetic research without the characteristics of writing an academic article. The work must have an initial presentation with up to 3000 characters, followed by images (between 5 and 12 photographs, drawings, collages, paintings, etc.) with captions citing authorship, title, technique, collection, place and year of realization.

The Editors assume that the use of the images is authorized in the submission of the Visual Essay in the Journal and that any violation of rights is the sole responsibility of the author. In essays involving other authors, it is mandatory to send a declaration of Authorization for Use of the Image according to the model below:


I, __________, ID: __________, registered with the CPF (or similar): _______________, address ____________________, in the city ___________, state _____, AUTHORIZE the use of my work / image / photograph with title _______________________, performed in the year _______ for an indefinite period published through the International Interdisciplinary Journal of Visual Arts - Art&Sensorium of Unespar.

Signature: _____________________________

Place: _____________ Date: ____ / ____ / ____

Material Responsible: __________________


  • Art & Sensorium reserves the right to prevent publication by the same author at intervals of less than four editions.
  • The content of the works is the sole responsibility of the authors.

Important Remark: From 2023 only articles from PhD/Doctors will be accepted. Students can send texts co-authored with their supervisors or another PhD/Doctor Professor as recommended by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - CAPES.

However, the editors reserve the possibility of accepting articles in the Visual Poetics Session of undergraduate students, provided they are co-authored with professors, Masters and Doctors, whenever they are evaluated positively by the referees.

1. Text formatting

Languages: texts in Portuguese, English or Spanish will be accepted.

1. Layout: A4 sheet,

2. Margins: 2x2x2x2 cm,

3. Source: Times 12,

4. Simple spacing between lines,

5. Alignment: justified,

6. First line paragraph

7. DOC or DOCX.

2. First page

Include title, author's name, institution to which you are affiliated, city, state, country, e-mail, abstract (300 words max.) and keywords (3 to 5) separated by semicolons (;), curriculum (150 words max). Provide English translation for the title (Title), Abstract (Abstract) and Keywords (keywords) and also in Spanish the Abstract (Resumen) and the Keywords (Palabras Clave).

  • The Abstract should present the structure of the paper, research problem, methodologies, results, conclusions, and the possible contribution/innovations of the work.
  • Information about the author will be removed by the editor when sending the work to reviewers.


- Up to three lines must be inserted in the body of the text, in quotation marks and with an author-data-page system in parentheses, ex: "O Transdisciplinar ..." (NICOLESCU, 2001, p.34).

- With more than three lines, they should come in a paragraph formatted in Times 11 font with 4 cm indentation on the left, without indentation, first line, without quotation marks, single-spaced, with an author-data-page system.

  • Footnotes can be used for both references and comments (body 10). They must be indicated in the text as Arabic numerals. The use of footnotes is recommended when the author wants to detail something that does not need to be included in the main text.

Indications of sources in parentheses, following the author-data system, must be structured as follows:

- A work with an author: (STOCKHAUSEN, 1958, p.33)

- A work with up to three authors: (CAGE; BOULEZ; WILLIAMS, 1980, p.22)

- A work with more than three authors: (DELIÉGE et al., 2000, p.11-13)

- Citation of the work cited: (FORTE 2001, p.94 apud HYDE, 2007, p.57)

- Work translated by the author of the work: (GRISEY, 1986, p.11, our translation)

- Author's name included in the sentence: According to Murail (2001, p.35)

4. References

Times 12, single spacing, justified alignment, without indentation.

4.1 Books

SURNAME, First name (s) of the Author (s). Title of the work: subtitle [if any]. edition [if not the first]. Place of publication: Publisher, year.

4.2 Parts of books (chapters, articles in collections, etc.)

SURNAME, Initial of the first name (s) of the Author (s) of the Part of the Work. Part title. In: SURNAME, Initial of the first name (s) of the Organizer (s) of the Work (Org.). Title of the work: subtitle [if any]. edition [if not the first]. Place of publication: Publisher, year. start-end page of the part.

4.3 Articles published in a journal

SURNAME, Initial of the first name (s) of the Author (s) of the Article. Title of the article. Title of the Journal, Place of publication, volume number, issue number, initial-final page of the article, date.

4.4 Works published in annals of scientific events

SURNAME, Initial of the first name (s) of the Author (s) of the Work. Title of the work. In: EVENT NAME, event number, year, location. Title. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. start-end page of the work.

4.5 Theses and dissertations

SURNAME, First name (s) of the Author (s). Title of the work: subtitle [if any]. Dissertation (Master in Music). Institute, University, Local, year.

4.6 Works published online

SURNAME, First name (s) of the Author (s). Title of the work: subtitle [if any]. edition [if not the first]. Place of publication: Publisher, year. Available at <http: // ...>. Access in abbreviated month, day, year.

5. Final Considerations

All articles must end with Final Considerations, conclusions, about what the research carried out.

6. Images and captions

6.1 The images must be centered and without text beside them.

The number of images must not exceed 10. The system does not accept large files (on average 3 Mega). If you're having trouble submitting, try reducing the size using Word's image compression.

6.2 Subtitles:

The captions must be centered just below the image and must be numbered (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). You can use Word's Caption function.

7. Additional information:

7.1 Authors must obtain the necessary authorizations to reproduce material from external sources, images, etc., before sending the text.

7.2 Authors will be totally responsible for the content of their articles.

7.3 The grammatical review of articles by the authors is entirely responsible. The article without revision will be rejected.

7.4 An author's article will not be accepted for publication in the same year that it has already been published in Art & Sensorium.


Polí­tica padrão de seção

Ensaios Visuais

Ensaios visuais se referem a registros e testemunhos de experiências em poéticas artí­sticas


Trabalhos inéditos que indicam caminhos para pesquisas mais profundas.


Publicações de entrevistas inéditas com artistas nacionais ou internacionais, realizadas com propósito de pesquisa, respeitando a indicação de titulação mínima exigida pela Art&Sensorium.

Resumos de Teses

Publicação de resumos de dissertações e teses de professores da Unespar ligados a pesquisa em Artes Visuais.

Dossier - Melancholy and Art

Since the beginning of its long history, melancholy has been referred to in the plural, designating different and even opposing realities. In fact, there is a great disparity between the approach to melancholy in the corpus hippocraticum - where it is assumed to be a pathological affection - and that found in the in the Problems of Pseudo-Aristotle - where it is seen as an expression of exceptional creative power.

Referred to in particular as acedia, nostalgia, spleen, melancholy covers a wide range of mental states and dispositions, which calls for a multidisciplinary approach crossing the fields of medicine, philosophy, literature, the history of emotions and the arts. To this end, the Art&Sensorium journal challenges researchers to contribute to elucidating the melancholic phenomenon and its significance in different artistic contexts.

Submission deadline: March 31, 2024

Dossier: Visual Arts, left-wing imaginaries and capitalism in Latin America

It is the revolutionary imagination that articulates the relationship politics/art. In fact, it was the revolutionary violence and the iconoclastic secularism of the French Revolution that produced the modern notion of art (Groys, 2021). In Latin America, starting from the 1960s, the imaginaries linked to the French and Soviet revolutions were updated and reformulated based on historical colonial experiences, the triumph of the Cuban revolution (1953-1959), and the successive coups d'état that established dictatorial governments in Brazil (1964), Bolivia (1964), Argentina (1966 and later in 1976), Chile (1973), and Uruguay (1973). According to Ana Longoni, vanguard and revolution functioned as "ideas-forces" in the art of that period. It was from the encounter of these two concepts that a "vast repertoire of artistic interventions (productions, taking of positions, debates and ideas, individual and collective strategies) gave rise to diverse artistic-political poetics and programs, sometimes even opposite" (Longoni, 2014, p. 21). The association between revolution and vanguard in the early years of the military dictatorships in the Southern Cone redefined the role of art and artists. The political-ideological lexicon takes center stage in statements, on poetic productions by artists, and critical and theoretical formulations on the continent. Today, faced with total capitalism and from theoretical contributions provided by decolonial, autonomist, and anticapitalist perspectives, a wide range of strategies (poetic, discursive, exhibitive, curatorial, institutional), of political-ideological, ontoepistemological re-elaborations, have critically reviewed, rejected, and collaborated in the construction of alternatives to the hegemony of the capitalist imagination prevailing in art systems. For this issue of Art & Sensorium journal, we hope to receive analyses about different agents and agencies within the framework of the production and circulation of left-wing and capitalist imaginaries in Latin America. Particularly, the reflections should prioritize the period from the 1960s to the present moment.

We invite researchers and visual artists to submit proposals (Portuguese, Spanish, English) on the following topics, although they do not need to be limited to them:

- Circulation of left-wing thoughts and revolutionary imaginaries in the artistic field of Latin America between the 1960s and 1989, the year the Berlin Wall fell;

- Strategies of production and circulation of non-hegemonic and popular materialities, including graphic productions, in Latin America (from the 1960s to the present day);

- Art, decoloniality, and anticapitalist imaginaries in Latin America (from 1990 to the present day);

- Processes of artification and legitimization of artistic production in the contemporary art system;

- Exhibition studies, curatorial projects, and their circulations in the Global South and North within the framework of Modernity/Coloniality/Decoloniality (MCD) thinking;

- New political-environmental imaginaries: visualities and images in the context of environmental collapse;

- Visual essays and writings by artists on art and capitalism.


Ana Bugnone (FaHCE-UNLP)

Bruna Fetter (PPGAV/UFRGS)

Fabricia Jordão (UFPR/PPGAV-UNESPAR)

Natália de La Rosa (IIE, UNAM, Unidad Oaxaca)

Raíza Cavalcanti (DPI/USACH)

Yasmin Fabris (PPGDesign/UFPR)

Article submission deadline: March 31, 2024

Eixo Temático "Arte e Covid-19"

A arte nestes tempos de confinamento do séc. XXI chega-nos por meios áudio visuais tão acelerados e evoluí­dos que a sua contemplação pode ter tanto de terapêutico e pedagógico, como de aterrorizante e perturbador.
Este eixo temático da Revista Art&Sensorium para a Edição de Dezembro de 2020 visou potenciar uma reflexão de um tempo vivido com experiências em primeira mão, de um tempo em construção, pois só ao futuro cabe a lição desta pandemia do Covid-19 e então se saberá como foi representada na arte destes dias.

Dossiê Campo Remoto

Artigos e ensaios para a Edição de Dezembro de 2021 foi sobre a experiência de ministrar atividades entre alunos, artistas convidados e professores da Unespar, criando um Campo Remoto interativo, original e criativo.

Dossier: Engraving poetics: processes, contaminations and connections

This Dossier aims to bring together a set of reflections on artistic practice, developed through engraving within the scope of contemporary art. In this sense, the processes of creation, the fusion of languages ​​and techniques, as well as the dialogue between the arts and latent issues in society contribute to defining creative paths in the present time. 

The submission deadline will be August 31, 2024.

The submission rules can be accessed at the link below:

Bernadette Panek e Renato Torres
Programa de Pós-graduação em Artes Visuais - PPGAV
UNESPAR, Campus de Curitiba I, Embap

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.