uma apresentação a partir do Fedro





This essay delas with the notion of dialectics in ancient greece, focusing mainly on dialectics in Plato. Specifically, the dialetics of divisions which is used as a research method in dialogues such as Parmenides, Sophist, Statesman, Philebus and Timaeus. However, the scope of this essay does not delve into the peculiarities of each of these dialogues, but rather deals with the main formulation of this method found in the dialogue Phaedrus 265e1-2. Here, the research method proposed by Plato is oriented, sometimes towards a “collection” (synagôgé), which contains a unit (genus) from the multiplicity, sometimes towards a “division” (diatémnein) of this unit, dividing by species. From this particular passage, the aim is to show how Plato’s method is constituted and what are the possible influences of previous philosophers that may be present in the way Plato develops his method.


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How to Cite

Sikora, E. (2024). A DIALÉTICA DAS DIVISÕES EM PLATÃO: uma apresentação a partir do Fedro. Revista Paranaense De Filosofia, 4(2), 151–166. https://doi.org/10.33871/27639657.2024.4.2.9895


