Philosophical thinking: On the trail of things worth knowing

No rastro das coisas dignas de serem sabidas




Aiming to map the traces of Western though as we know it today and the transformations in philosophical thought that led to the new Hellenistic sensibility of the time, this work is divided into two parts. The first talks briefly about the importance of the pre-Socratics, Sophistics, Socrates and Plato for the history of Western philosophical thought. The second part briefly reflects on the transition process from the classical era to the Hellenistic era and the contributions of Epicurus as the founder of one of the great Hellenistic schools of the time. Finally, it should be noted that as the heirs of these thoughts, they are able to understand them, as suggested by Vernant (1999). We highlight the importance of, based on understanding these thoughts, considering the potential for the possibility of the emergence of new ways of thinking, being and existing in the present and in/for the future.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, V. S. de. (2024). Philosophical thinking: On the trail of things worth knowing: No rastro das coisas dignas de serem sabidas. Revista Paranaense De Filosofia, 4(1), 260–273.


