



Michel Foucault, Marxism, Domenico Losurdo, Jacques Bidet, Strategy


The aim of the present paper is to discuss the tense relation between Foucault and the Marxism. For that, two Marxists authors who work on that relation are analyzed, departing from some of their recent books: Jacques Bidet and Domenico Losurdo, both Marxists, but with very different views. For the first, Foucault and Marx can be thought conjunctly, in the milestone of what he calls Metamarxism, with the inscription of Foucault in a wider picture of dialectics. But for Losurdo, Foucault is a hindrance to revolution. Out of the confrontation of these two dissimilar perspectives, we propose an issue that contradicts Bidet, and in the same movement we discard Losurdo: an absorption of parts of Marxist critics in a Foucauldian frame using the concept of strategy as an operator, research in which we are working.


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How to Cite

Luiz, F. (2024). WATER AND OIL: THE FOUCOMARXISM. Revista Paranaense De Filosofia, 4(1), 72–90. https://doi.org/10.33871/27639657.2024.4.1.8539


