O tempo do camponês, do marinheiro e do guerreiro




Marinha, Agricultura, Guerra


The struggle for survival awakened in man the recognition of Nature (Phýsis) as immortal forces. This experience was important to expand the power of observation, action and communication between the divine and human world for social, political and pedagogical (re)organization. In the works of Homer and Hesiod we can find the combination of the beauty of human creation that is the result of this inspired and troubled dialogue with Nature. This article aims to present some reflections on the process of Greek cultural development through the image of the peasant, the sailor and the warrior that we find in some ancient sources that served as an existential horizon to find their eudaimonia in antiquity.


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How to Cite

Facão, E. (2023). NATUREZA, POESIA, RITMO E MELODIA DA VIDA: O tempo do camponês, do marinheiro e do guerreiro. Revista Paranaense De Filosofia, 3(2), 22–45.


