Niilismo e absurdo


  • Michelle Ferreira de Lima Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUC-PR)




This research aims to describe the concepts of nihilism and absurdity with reference to Nietzsche and Albert Camus. In Nietzsche's thought, nihilism appears primarily as a symptom of the collapse of meaning and the erosion of the values ​​of tradition. In this sense, nihilism appears as a process, a march that intensifies the instinct of destruction. The death of God is assumed by the modern subject as the total loss of meaning and such an event generates a void in their demundane lives (Cf. ARALDI, 2004, p. 68). The absence of meaning arising from the dissolution of beliefs generates the feeling of emptiness in existence with the loss of value, meaning or purpose. Existential nihilism demonstrates the death of values ​​and the emergence of the absurd, since man finds it difficult to become a creator of meaning. (Cf. VEIT, 2018, p. 212). With the death of God, of beliefs, of absolute truth, comes the nihilism that is the result of the death of these values, consequently comes the absurd, because although there is no meaning or purpose for life, the human still yearns for it. In this sense, Albert Camus is dedicated to investigating whether the lack of meaning and the realization of emptiness and absurdity would result in suicide. Finally, he notes that the lack of meaning does not imply suicide, since the subject is free to create new worlds through revolt.


Keywords: Nihilism. Death of God. Absurd.



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How to Cite

Ferreira de Lima, M. (2022). ENTRE NIETZSCHE E CAMUS: Niilismo e absurdo. Revista Paranaense De Filosofia, 2(2), 124–135. https://doi.org/10.33871/27639657.2022.2.2.6937


