problema ou solução de desenvolvimento das Sociedades?


  • Belito Vasco Francisco Universidade Licungo




Educação, Neoliberalismo, Desenvolvimento, Sociedade



This article has as its theme Education in Neoliberalism: problem or solution for the development of Societies? We intend to reflect on the contributions that education faces in neoliberalism whether they are beneficial or not for the development of societies. The neoliberal strategy of hegemonic conquest goes beyond the educational field, even with priorities, education and educational policies are governed by the dependence of hegemonic groups and the political conditions of the historical conjuncture. Neoliberalism is implemented by schools and other entities in the dissemination of economic centrality as a structuring element of social relations and the State moving to the political question. With this horizon, education is transferred from the nature of rights to the nature of the market, that is, transforming social rights into a service, a commodity that must be acquired on the free market. Our country has been deceived by the need for the intervention of international mechanisms, where neoliberal education policies are imposed by these bodies (World Bank and IMF) among others, which define the way in which especially poor countries must adjust to the globalization of capital and neoliberalism. As a consequence of neoliberalism in education, we are witnessing: fewer resources; priority in Basic Education; rapid training and cheapness presented as a criterion of efficiency; comprehensive and more professional monos training; privatization of higher education; acceleration of approval to vacate vacancies and lower quality; large classes in all Teaching Subsystems.

Keywords: Education, Neoliberalism, Development, Society.


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Author Biography

Belito Vasco Francisco, Universidade Licungo

Licenciado em História e Filosofia pela Universidade Pedagógica UP (Beira), mestre em Educação/Ensino de Filosofia pela UP (Maputo) Moçambique, é docente de Filosofia da Educação, Filosofia da História, Hermenêutica, Ética e Deontologia Profissional, Antropologia Cultural, Introdução à Filosofia na Universidade Licungo - Quelimane e doutorando em Filosofia. E-mail: bvasco2012@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Francisco, B. V. (2022). A EDUCAÇÃO NO NEOLIBERALISMO: problema ou solução de desenvolvimento das Sociedades?. Revista Paranaense De Filosofia, 2(1), 152–169. https://doi.org/10.33871/27639657.2022.2.1.6745


