Falando em Redes
uma carta para as organizadoras do Dossiê Temático Ativismos Feministas nas Artes, sobre modos de escrever e publicaç˜ões de mulheres na academia
Epístola, Modos de Escrita, Mulheres, Publicações científicas, Ativismo FeministaAbstract
Written in an epistolary way, in mirroring with predecessor practices of feminist writing (PERROT, 2007), this article brings to light the reflection on the bibliographical production of women in the academy in the field of performing arts. Recent examples of some articles, dossiers, annals, which intersect, in a panoramic way, performing arts and feminisms in Brazil, are recalled, demonstrating the importance of the initiative of network actions in the publication of themes and contents ostensibly made invisible by academic patriarchy. Introducing a playful game with writing, this letter addressed to the organizers of this dossier, thematizes feminist activism in the arts through the collective scientific publications of women artist-researchers, and takes as its first inspiration, Gloria Anzaldúa’s letter (2000) to women in the third world. Driven by the boldness of this feminist of Chicana origin in the 1980s, the epistle that follows celebrates the ability to reinvent writing modes and ways of disclosing the writings of women from the scientific scene, who, insurgents, sight more liquid and free horizons.
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Anais Abrace 2018
Anais Fazendo Gênero 11
Anais Fazendo Gênero 12
Teatros Feministas: Lutas e Conquistas (2018)
MOTIM - Mito, Rito e Cartografias Femininas nas Artes da Cena (2013)
Teatro, gênero e feminismos (2013)
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