Mulheres artistas do surrealismo e contra-imaginário
Women artists, Imagery, Feminist critique, SurrealismAbstract
This paper aims to analyze some of the artwork by Leonora Carrington, Remedios Varo, and Leonor Fini, artists associated with surrealist thinking and/or movement. It remarks how their feminist poetics, developed throughout their career, contributed to forming a transformative “counter-imagery” in the tracks of the term as used by Tânia Navarro-Sweain, on her turn inspired by Gaston Bachelard, capable of reformulating cultural meanings and operating in the dissolution of uneven power relations on what gender and sexualities are concerned. Animated by the ideas of a movement purposeful to disrupting the norms, they have explored and sought to reformulate the meanings of the feminine in Western culture by diving into themselves, into other mythologies and all of which has been forgotten or refused by dominant rationality – as in alchemy, mysticism, and bestiary. Thus, the text envisages debating, as of feminist ideas and critiques, the contribution of these artworks towards formulating a philogyne imagery, that is, friendly to women, as defended by Margareth Rago.
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