Children tha dance Haiti
experience has a voice and listening
criação, aprendizagem, corpo, dança, performanceAbstract
This experience report has the proposal of sharing the creation-learning strategies developed over 9 years of the performance Visita Guiada, contextualizing their development processes with vulnerable people in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. It stresses the axes: creative process, alterity and learning by appropriating the notion of performative will, proposed by Eleonora Fabião, the concepts of affection, in the approach of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, and otherness, in a dialogue with Christine Grainer, possible frictions with interdependence of the creation and learning processes. The experience of investigating mediation strategies of the performance Visita Guiada
enabled the development of a procedure for evoking memories and inventing realities, in the context of the subjectivities of the encounter of the artist/person with himself/herself and with the environment, called performative self-listening. The systematization of the procedure allowed the recognition of provocative clues of body states that emerge from the performance of performance, considering the centrality of listening to people and contexts, in their differences, in their interdependence with the understanding of creation as a learning power of bodies in performative educational mediation
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