Theatre and accessibility
mediations and theatrical practices from the experience with blind actors and spectators
Teatro, Acessibilidade, cegos, inclusãoAbstract
This article aims to investigate methodological proposals for the inclusion of visually impaired people – blind or low vision – and seers in theatrical practice, such as artists and spectators. The study analyzes methodologies of creation and assembly of theatrical shows with students of the Instituto Paranaense de Cegos - IPC as part of the results of the Projects "Optical Illusion: What we lack makes the word" (2015) and "Theatricalizing Education" (2016), initially elaborated and developed as an extension project in partnership between the State University of Paraná - Campus of Curitiba II - Faculty of Arts of Paraná - FAP and the Paraná Institute of the Blind. Based on narrative and sensory resources used on stage, artists and spectators with and without visual impairment have the same access to perceptual stimuli and constitutive elements of a staging, therefore this work aims to analyze practices and theatrical resources developed from the encounter between visually impaired and seerable people in order to generate reflections and methods to contribute to the inclusion of people with visual impairment in the theatrical artistic scope.
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