The fight and will of Agda lacraia
a feminine manifesto and the dismantling of a woman
theater; scenic disassembly; Agda; Hilda HilstAbstract
In 2022 I defended the master's thesis "Agda Desmontagem: the inside the scene - Hilda Hilst and the feminine that resonate" by the School of Fine Arts of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, EBA / UFMG with guidance from Rogério Lopes. The subject of the research was the disassembly of an adaptation to the short story Agda (1973) by Hilda Hilst (1930-2004) for the theater, that I performed together with other artists in 2004. For that, I made a historical survey of the practice of disassembly in Latin America, and the study of the performative and pedagogical perspective of this practice, as well as the performance of women who dismantle the scene in Brazil. The outline of this present essay is to organize the path I took within the master's research to disassemble the character Agda into possible feminine aspects. Alchemy, Body Goddess, Witch and Outcast, these were the nominations given with the purpose of making this historical outline that seeks to identify the primordial woman - who is matter, transformation, freedom and nature - and the construction of suppression and death to this body at the same time throughout a patriarchal historicity.
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