Palavras chaves: Patrulha Comercial, Polícia Militar do Paraná, Legitimidade Organizacional.Abstract
This work sought to analyze the implementation of a new type of policing that has been adopted by the Force Police of Paraná: the Commercial Patrol. Based on studies by several authors, it was noticed that several discussions arise around this topic, making it a complex and multifaceted topic. International literature has shown that a police force that aims to comply with regulations is more effective. In Brazil, studies have shown that a police force that seeks legitimacy and procedural fairness tends to be more competent. However, the legitimacy of implementing a new model may face several obstacles, but there are strategies that can help overcome them. Some of the common obstacles include resistance to change, organizational culture, job-specific training and training, community acceptance and lack of clear guidelines to standardize and guide the work of police officers, strengthening both the relationship between colleagues and the relationship between the police and the community. Therefore, it is suggested that the Commercial Patrol seeks community involvement through consultations, meetings and other available tools to establish formal guidelines based on community policing, with the aim of creating a partnership between the population and the Force Police, contributing to the legitimacy and effectiveness
of this policing model.
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