Entrepreneurial Intention, Literature Review, Recent TrendsAbstract
Entrepreneurial intention has been the subject of a large amount of research in recent years, both internationally and in Brazil. The updated literature review of Brazilian authors in the last five years shows a significant increase in knowledge production about this topic. However, even with this increase, Brazil still occupies a low position compared to other countries, being in 26th place. The updated literature review presented in this article aimed to analyze the scientific production on entrepreneurial intention in the last five years, especially observing how Brazil has evolved in research on the subject. This research has a quantitative approach and is configured as a bibliometric review. The data was collected in the Scopus® database in February 2023, through the descriptor "entrepreneurial intention". A total of 2,120 titles were identified, comprehended between articles for the analysis from 2018 to 2022. The review results indicate that the main publication areas are business, management and accounting, Social Sciences, Economics and Finance, demonstrating how broad the topic is and its applicability. In addition, the review identified gaps in research, including the lack of studies on entrepreneurial intention in specific contexts, such as small businesses and emerging economies. In conclusion, the updated literature review presented in this article provides an overview of the recent literature on entrepreneurial intention and highlights trends and gaps in research. This is important to guide future research and policies to support entrepreneurship. The review demonstrates the need for more research on entrepreneurial intention in different contexts and an interdisciplinary approach to better understand this complex phenomenon.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Intention, Literature Review, Recent Trends
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