Murilo Mendes and José Saramago: traveling and archives



Palabras clave:

Murilo Mendes, José Saramago, Viajes, Archivos


This article aims to make a critical reading of literary works written by Murilo Mendes and José Saramago seeking to understand the implications of the notion of travel in their writings. One seeks to characterize the looks that traveling writers cast on Portugal and its landscapes bringing together displace-ments of the body and/or space. In this sense, one tries to understand how the journey is established as an operator that allows transit through geographic space, literary space, reflection and the passage from one another using as references “Janelas verdes” (1989) by Murilo Mendes and “Viagem a Portugal” (1981) by José Saramago. To analyze such questions, one will seek support in concepts related to concepts such as translation, allegory and collection related to Benjamin’s patterns; the role of citation in Compagnon; of memory in Huyssen and of identity and otherness in Eric Hobsbawm.


Los datos de descargas todavía no están disponibles.


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MENDES, Murilo. Janelas Verdes. In: PICCHIO, Luciana Stegagno (Org.). Poesia completa e prosa. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 1989, p. 197-216.

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