The testimonies of the Aikewara in the investigations of the State Memory and Truth Commission of Pará




Testimonies, Brazilian military dictatorship, State Memory and Truth Commission of Pará, Aikewara


Oral sources played a fundamental role in the investigations of Brazilian truth commissions. This paper presents the role played by the testimonies of the Aikewara indigenous group in the work of the State Memory and Truth Commission of Pará, which contributed to the visibility of memories hidden and silenced by the dictatorship. As a methodology, it used a bibliographic review of oral sources, testimonies and truth commissions, in addition to the final reports of the State Memory and Truth Commission of Pará and the National Truth Commission. As a result, it was possible to identify that the testimonies played a central role in the investigations of the Aikewara group, contributing to elucidate the circumstances of the abuses and validate the group's memories, in order to assist in the realization and reparation of justice, in addition to contributing to the visibility of the suffering of the indigenous people during the military dictatorship.


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Dossier: Hidden memories: debates around truth, silencing and forgetting