Religion and the incidence of electronic media in the Paz e Vida Christian Community in times of COVID-19




(Neo)Pentecostalism, Pandemic, Virtual Space, Social media


This article is the result of an ethnography carried out in the Paz e Vida de São Mateus Christian Community in the suburbs of the East Zone of São Paulo in times of COVID-19. The objective is to show the incidence of electronic media, as well as the virtual space used by the religious institution in the pandemic context. The study will address the extent to which the religious people participated in the community life of the church through these tools for the maintenance of the rituals and services. The empirical material collected for this research is made up of a pastor called B, two church faithful, called members A and C, and two workers who will be presented as Workers B and C. The research was developed based on field observation through the behavior of the church-goers, and the interactions produced through social networks and the WhatsApp application.


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PASTOR B. Entrevista concedida à André Magalhães Coelho. São Mateus, 23 jan. 2022.

MEMBRO A. Entrevista concedida à André Magalhães Coelho. São Mateus, 31 jan. 2022.

MEMBRO C. Entrevista concedida à André Magalhães Coelho. São Mateus, 12 abr. 2022.

OBREIRO B. Entrevista concedida à André Magalhães Coelho. São Mateus, 04 abr. 2022.

OBREIRO C. Entrevista concedida à André Magalhães Coelho. São Mateus, 24 fev. 2022.


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