Technical and artistic production by brazilian postgraduate courses with emphasis on Social Sciences and Humanities




Funding, Social, Economic, Political, Business


Understanding production types helps define the impact of different knowledge areas. Informa-tion from the Sucupira postgraduate database was taken. Cluster and correspondence analyses were conducted to determine the behavior of different areas. Social Sciences (SS), Humanities (H), Letters, Literature & Arts (LLA) were responsible for almost all productions, except for those in scientific journals and events. All areas have a high interaction with the business sector. SS, H, and LLA showed more work for governments (local, state, or federal), which funded products such as computer/mobile apps, books, and chapters. Funding related to art and culture is varied. Demand for maps came from SEEG (System for Estimates of Emissions and Removal of Greenhouse Gases) and WRI (World Resources Institute). The technical, artistic, and cultural sectors cannot be excluded from the evaluation, as they are part of knowledge and have a political and socioeconomic impact.


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