School education in prisons: gaps, bets and possibilities


  • Elenice Maria Cammarosano Onofre Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho



Youth and adult education in prison, school in prison, educational practices in prison


This systematization is anchored in concerns that have led us throughout the years: what can the youth and adult education in prisons do? Our reflective material is composed of data collected in observations, informal conversations, discussions and experiences in training courses for educators in Brazilian states from 2013 to 2016, and in records of visits to places of deprivation of youths and adults. The material organized in field journals allowed us to dare to be in the world in a propositional way, since it indicates that the systematization can constitute pedagogical instruments for the production of knowledge as well as announce possibilities of a pedagogical turn in the field of youth and adults education in prisons.


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